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during onboarding I’m tracking a user’s choice (e.g. favourite animals). At the end of the onboarding the event is something like “Onboarding completed” with several properties (e.g. animals: {elephant, lion} etc.).

I did a segmentation view with bar charts which are showing me the absolute numbers. How would I be able to show it as a relative numbers graphic, like a pie chart – like a user composition (without tracking it as user properties)?



Hi @konradm 

Currently, event properties can’t be visualized as a pie chart in any of the available charts.

The closest approach would be to use the Horizontal bar for visualizing your Onboarding Completed event grouped by the event property and then choosing the % Relative option.
Similar to this demo chart.

Let me know if I have interpreted your use case correctly. Hope this helps.

Thank you @Saish Redkar 

Unfortunately that doesn’t really seem to work nicely in our case. As the user can choose multiple answers (in a checkbox input set) and save it to the event (as mentioned, e.g. “animals: {elephant, lion}” etc.) your solution with grouping does spread out all the separate possibilities (e.g. {elephant} vs. {elephant, lion} vs. {elephant, zebra, lion}).

What I currently did is set up seperate events where “animals contains lion”, “animals contains elephant”, etc. This way I’m showing the results in a consolidated bar chart. Only issue is I get absolute numbers and cannot show relative percentage. Never mind.

Thank you anyway!

Got it. So looks like animals is captured as an array event property and not as a string, correct?

This means grouping by animals will break down into individual values rather than the entire array content as is the expected behavior.
So the setting up of separate events will not allow you to use the horizontal bar view, but you can try a stacked bar view with % option. Something like this - . One limitation here is that you can visualize only per time period in the stacked bar view and not on an aggregate basis for the time period.


