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Hey there,

I’m trying to use the rolling window and offset in a Segmentation chart but I don’t really understand how to properly use it. I’m working at a media company and my purpose is the same as you’re mentionning in this article : I would like to know the users that read very few articles after subscribing to an offer. 


So we have an event that exist when a subscription is confirmed but i don’t know how to apply it in my chart so i can see this cohorte of people not reading after their subscription. Thanks for your reply ! 


In a nutshell : I want to apply this to my case based on my two event that are ”subscription confirmed” and “read an article”



Hi Fran6! If I understand your goal correctly, you want to look at users who have recently subscribed but haven’t read any articles yet (or have read under a certain number of articles). This should work: 

Click +Performed

Then set the logic to: 

who did “Subscription Confirmed” = 1 time

Then click +Performed on the same user segment. 

Set that logic to:

who did “Read Article” < however many times you want


I made a proxy with the Amplitude demo: 

Hope this helps!
