thanks always:)
I wanted to ask you about the retention chart,
mainly about the differences in data
- difference btw the retention graph & cohort raw data within the amplitude
- difference btw the amplitude retention graph & app store connect
I made retention analysis chart as below
(any event to any event, all users, strict calendar dates, N-Day retention)
It says 23.2% of users are returned on day1
However, when I downloaded the raw by eport csv,
day by day it seems like the retention is higher than 23%.
For instance on Oct19,
Day0 user were 619, Day1 user were 180 → 29%
so I added up all the users for Day0 from sep22nd to Oct 21st → 18215 users
all the users for Day1 from Sep22nd to Oct 21st → 2754 users
then the average day1 retention should be 2754/18215 = 26%
but, in the graph it says 23.2%
I guess it can have some differences because there’re some users might overlap.
Also, this retention is very different from what we can check in app store connect.
In the app store connect,
the Day1 retention average is 32%,
and for some specific days the cohorts are retained more than 40%…
so this looks very different from Amplitude which says 20% beginning.
Can you let me know why there’re difference for in between 1st one and 2nd one?
thanks in advance!
with best regards, Flor Cho