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I’ve created a Retention report which showed me that several months of users in the past were 100% retained.

I found this fishy this sus, so I created a duplicate of this report and changed the time period to Between July 1, 2020 and July 31, 2020 (one of the cohorts that the retention report claimed were 100% retained), so I could see what actions these folks were taking.

My initial report was setup Starting Event New user and Return Event equals any event where Event Name does not contain sendgrid.

My second report matched the first exactly except i narrowed my time period to only July 2020.

I then drilled down on the second report to look at the userpath and see that the users started a session, then the only return events are Sendgrid activities.


What am I missing? Why is the report showing Sendgrid activities when I’ve specifically excluded them?

Hi @viquiv 

Thank you for writing this post!

Without looking at the charts, my guess is that, for the users who are in the retention chart, they have at least one event each month. As you set the chart returning event to “Any Event”, as long as there is one event, which can be a server-side event or a push notification event, this user will be shown as retained. I would suggest marking server-side events as “inactive” and querying with “Any active event” in charts to avoid noises. 

I hope this helps!


Hi Yuanyuang, thanks for the help!

Perhaps I’m missing something here, but My chart is set to the return event is “any event where the Event name is NOT Sendgrid” - so if the return even is ONLY sendgrid, they shouldn’t show as retained, right?

Yet, here’s the user paths for all my users, note that the return events for every one of them is, indeed, sendgrid….


These users literally have NO other actions except for Sendgrid, so why are they showing as 100% retained?
