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Hi there,


Our media team uses a MTA model for assessing campaign performance. I’d love to be able to use Amplitude to visualize this, but not sure if there’s a great way for me to do so. We fire an event called Landing Page View each time a new session is initialized on the web. We can set a user property, Medium, upon the initial Landing Page View that reflects the utm_medium in the URL. For subsequent Landing Page Views performed by that user, I can append the additional utm_medium values to the Medium user property, creating an array of values.

This is where I get stuck because I would want to see the different combinations of Medium values that a user has at Purchase. My desired out come would be something like this - Purchase event, grouped by the user property Medium:

<‘Email’] - 20 // 20 users just had Email as the Medium at Purchase. Email gets 100% of the credit for 20 sales.

l‘Email’, ‘Email’, ‘Display’] - 5 // 5 users had Email twice and display once as the Medium at Purchase. Email gets 66% of the credit for these 5 sales and display gets 33% 


As far as I can tell, the above would break down in a segmentation chart as:

Email - 30

Display - 5


This isn’t exactly what I’m looking for. Is there any way to get my desired outcome?

Hi Shenna!


This is a bit trickier of a situation. I will say we are not able to check the values in the array and divide up the users in that way you mention. One solution that could get you closer is to send two properties on sending your ‘Medium’ properties as an array. Then, the other you can send all the ‘Medium’ values as a string and you can see all users that have that exact string c‘Email’, ‘Email’, ‘Display’] would that help your case?




Hi @SheenaGreen I hope all is well. Congrats again on your spotlight! I wanted to check-in. Were you able to make progress here? Let us know how we can help! 😀


Hi @sydney.koh and @Jeremie Gluckman,

Sorry for not closing this out! The suggestion to use strings is something we will tinker with. I’m also actively working with Patrick from Amplitude on our use case to see if the functionality can be built out as part of the tool.

Thanks :)

Thanks for the update Sheena!
