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I’m trying to get a list of all chart IDS for a given project, in order to use them with but couldn’t find anything in he public documentation.


What’s the most common way to get chart IDs programmatically ?



Hey @Guillaume

Afaik, currently there isn’t a direct way of getting a list of all chart ids in your project programmatically.

It’s more of a manual task to pull the chart ids from the chart url and then use them in the results-from-an-existing-chart API endpoint.

If you really need to get all chart ids at once from a project, you can ask your account’s CSM to pull it for you on their Amplitude end.


Hope this helps.

Thanks for the clear answer!

Hey @Guillaume ,

Thanks for writing in to the community! Great to see it becoming increasingly active! 


@Saish Redkar is correct. Unfortunately, we do not have an API that can provide these details. You would need to get the chart IDs manually ,as Saish said, and then work with the APIs using the list of Chart IDs you got. However, I can absolutely see the use of having an API to get all the chart IDs for a project. If you wish, I can add this as product feedback to the appropriate team. If you would be so kind, can you PM me your email address you use for Amplitude so that I can add this feedback? Thank you!

Apologies we do not have this solution at the minute. However, adding this feedback will help with the development of such things in the future! 

Kind Regards,
