
Issues with some event triggering

  • 6 June 2023
  • 0 replies

Hi, everyone!

I have an issue with some events from our app’s Subscription funnel, that are not triggering in Amplitude.

The app is built on Swift (for iOS version) and on Kotlin (for Android version). The subscription flow is on Web platform (Javascript), that is opened as a webview inside the app.

Here is how the Subscription funnel’s success path looks like (based on the events written in our backend):
open_browser - user starts subscribing, opens the informative screen about our service
payment_onboarding_continue - user presses “Continue” button on informative screen and moves to Payment plan selection
subscription_selection_successfully_selected - user chooses one of 6 payment plans, presses button “Add card” and moves to bank page for adding bank card data
subscription_payment_card_successfully_added - user entered back card data, presses “Subscribe” button and now is our paying client

Any user who subscribes for our service, inevitably goes through all this 4 steps. But there are cases of some subscribes users, who don’t have the event subscription_selection_successfully_selected in their history. This is an important step in the funnel, because it stores the data about chosen payment plan in its properties. And because this event doesn’t always trigger in Amplitude, the Subscription funnel report gives incorrect insights regarding conversions. Can’t figure out the reason why this event is not triggering for some users. Might it be because of the difference in platforms (subscription process is on the web, the rest of events - on iOS/Android)? Have anyone had some cases like that?

Here are screenshot with examples from some users history:


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