Want to ask regarding how to properly group & segment user based on new, first time buyer, & repeat buyer from Amplitude team perspective.
The definition that we use for to our user segment as following: new user is group of user that never purchase, first time buyer is group of user that only buy one time. repeat buyer is group of user that ever purchase twice and above.
Our current approach:
- new: performing pay=0, within 30days of first use
- first time buyer: performing pay=1, during exact timeframe that we set (i.e 30 days)
- repeat buyer: performing pay >=2, during exact timeframe that we set (i.e 30 days)
we use within because we want to know group of user that never purchase during the timeframe but did the event within their 30 days of first time use. we realize there is a intersection of users since when we do funnel analysis we found that when we add new, first time buyer, and repeat buyer, total number of users is not equal to the total all user numbers.
Is there any approach that we can do to get the exact number of group user during exact timeframe that we want? Kindly share what is the best practice to do this kind of analysis