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Our team has added a new Event to report on and need to update 50+ charts. Is there an easy way to do this vs going into each chart one by one to add it?

Hey @ajflo 

AFAIK, there isn’t a direct way in the current setup to achieve the new event addition in bulk without adding and resaving individually.

However, if you are looking to replace one of the events. then one approach is to add all 50+ charts to a dashboard and then use “Replace Events” option from the “More Options” dropdown

You can then chose to update the existing charts or replace/create copies with the changes.

This will only allow you to find events in charts and replace them with that new event and not add an event. So this might not be a viable solution for your case.

Thanks @Saish Redkar! sounds like this will be a 1 by 1 for the situation.
