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I have funnel that is based on users starting a piece of content (Event A) and users finishing a piece of content (Event 😎.

I’d like to breakdown the funnel by an event property (content topic) so that I can compare the conversion rate of users when they engage with Topic Y vs. Topic Z but it doesn’t seem like I’m able to do this?

Hey @patrick.conneely 
If I’m understanding your question correctly, then you can use the “broken down by” clause to the applicable step in your funnel setup as shown here.

Hope this helps!

Hey Patrick, 

Saish is absolutely correct with the answer and the provided link! Just to give you a visual example, I have created a Funnel analysis with ‘broken down by step 1 Genre_Type’ using our Demo data. 

I hope this helps.


Thanks both!

Obviously missing my coffee that day with that one as that’s pretty simple!
