Let’s say I have a funnel with 3 steps in this order (properties on indented lines):
- Do you have a vehicle?
- What vehicle types do you like?
- Type: psports, suv, compact, motorcycles]
- What features do you like
- Features: rac, steering, electric]
If a user only selects motorcycles in step 2, they will not be shown step 3.
I’d love to show a funnel that shows conversion through all three stages of the form, but I want to filter by users who selected sports, suv, or compact in step 2.
I understand this means step 1 to step 2 will have zero drop-off.
I want to measure the car lovers for finishing the form, so I don’t want to add a filter to step 2, “where Type contains sports, suv, compact”, because that will make our conversion look terrible if half of the folks who start the form only like motorcycles.
I can start my funnel on step 2, but I want to emphasize that there are 3 events in the funnel, not 2.
Question: How do I filter step 1 by their future choice in step 2?