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Hey there,

I am new in Amplitude and unique events in segmentation are not 100% clear for me.



Let’s say I have 4 articles with 4 different titles (A, B, C, D) and I want to count, how many unique people read a specific article a day. (How often an article is read a day in total, that would be total events.) I am tracking reading with an event, when the user is opening the article. Let’s say, it calls article_open.

So for my understanding: With the function Unique as soon as the event article_open is performed this day an user is not counted again this day. So if user X reading the article A and later the article B (on the same day). Is user X only counted for article A (since he performed the event already and can’t be counted once more) or is he also counted as a reader of article B this day, too (since user X didn’t perform “article_open” B?)

Thanks in advance. :)

Hey @Keller 

Welcome to the Amplitude World!

With Uniques, the user would be only counted once for that selected time interval if they have performed the event article_open one or more times.

I’m assuming this event has title as an event property with possible values A, B, C, D

Amplitude is an event based analytics platform, and all charts and cohorts query at the event level. Charts will return the event property value at the time of an event.

When you perform a group by on the article_open event using the title property, User X would be counted once in both the buckets ( article A and article B ) if they have opened both the articles in the selected time period.

I would recommend this article to understanding this concept further.

Let me know if this makes sense.

Yeah, that’s what I thought, too. I just wanted to be 100% sure about it.

Thanks a lot! :)
