Hi Joanna,
There may be a difference in how your database tracks unique users and how Amplitude tracks unique users. Amplitude employs a solution using a combination of device IDs, user IDs, and Amplitude IDs. This article explains how that process works, and the roles each of these properties plays in it.
I suggest trying “Any Event” in the uniques metric view to see if the sum of uniques is closer to the total number of users you have. Perhaps users can fire an event that is not in a session and it causes a discrepancy between monthly active users.
Here’s another resource that might help with the data discrepancy.
Amplitude | Data discrepancy checklist
Let me know if this helps!
@Loc Tran @Joanna L is there a way I can exclude some events from the ‘all events’ metric?
For example i want to see unique users who have performed any event, other than login or forget password. Is there a way to achieve that?
Hi @Sarah Noor
You can filter on the Event Name property as shown here.