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After all of the excitement of the initial instrumentation dies down, you’re then in maintenance mode. But how do you ensure that the feedback you get actionable? Zach Phillips, Senior Product Analyst at Appfire, suggests the following:

“The big thing that we found has been critical is to try to organize it and capture it in the rawest possible format. The minute it comes in, we don't try to necessarily solve the problem but we do try to clarify and we do try to make sure that we get a good consistent record. 

It is important if you have the opportunity to push for a little bit of priority. A lot of times that'll be the only time that you get to ask is this a priority? Does this need to happen now? 

At some point, you're going to have to go back and you're going to have to reconcile all this feedback. Are we going to make a change? Are we going to add something new? 

Once I get that done though, socializing it is sort of a step that I think is  easy to skip over, but I want to go back to the stakeholders and even stakeholders who were not originally involved in the conversation, and I want to say, "Hey, here's the change we're going to make. And here's why we're making it". Get it out there because that's the best way that we get secondary input and say, "Oh no, you can't make that change. That's going to break X, Y, Z". Those are things that are good to capture.”

This is a snippet from Avoiding Data Governance Pitfalls, an ‘How I Amplitude’ series session with guest Zach Phillips who shares the frameworks and practices he's built to support Appfire's evolving product portfolio.

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