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Tracking the number of days in advance of a specific date

  • 20 September 2022
  • 5 replies

I’m working with a product team specializing in accounting software.One of the questions centers on invoice due dates. The team wants to know how many days in advance are users searching for invoices (e.g., searching for invoices due at the end of the month, 30 days before the due date, 15 days before the due date, etc.).

There is an invoice due date picker (with a property for the due date), however, I think this approach could use some tweaking - any suggestions on what would be a better way to instrument the event/property would be most appreciated!

Hi Raven,


If you have Derived Properties you can try a formula that looks like the formula below. You need to replace the end and start date with user property date values. This would allow you to find the time between the dates. For your case you can make due date the end date and start date the day that they search. The formula returns a double:




DATE_TO_LONG( End Date ),

DATE_TO_LONG( Start Date ) ),

86400000 )


Since this is a user property you can query on this property on any event that the user property has a value for. Or you can just look at the values at the time of any event. Would this work for you?


An alternative or if you do not have Derived properties you would need to track this value on your end and send it into us.


If this does not work can you tell me more details on the type of analyses you want to see?








Hi Sydney,
Thanks for your response. I also reviewed existing taxonomies that had similar event modeling for the kind of data we were looking to capture. One particular team (for a scheduling application) was tracking the number of days in the future (as a property) on the event of setting an appointment. I think this could also be an approach based on the team’s ask, which is understanding how far in advance are users scheduling a check authorization (based on invoice date). 

Hi Raven,


Thats great! Do you have any other questions on this topic then?



I think we are OK for now - I do find the aspect of derived properties interesting. I’ll definitely consider that as an option to try during analysis

Sounds good I will close this out then have a nice day!
