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Thank you for joining the office hour today! Here’s the link to our demo instance, where you can put what you learned to the test using AmpliTunes data. 

We’re working on answers to your questions and will post them to our Community in the coming weeks. Here are a few highlights: 

  • How do user properties apply to an event?

  • How do you keep your product data in the EU?

  • What are your options if you mostly deal with anonymous users?

  • Can Amplitude track marketing attribution?

  • How do you import events from an existing database?

  • How do you set GDPR-compliant user IDs?

  • Do you need to send a time-stamp with Amplitude events?

  • How can you break down your users by age?

  • How do you test that Amplitude is set up correctly on our website?

  • What do PLG leaders typically connect Amplitude to?

  • When should you use “Array” vs. “Enum” as a property type in your Tracking Plan?

  • Can you embed dashboards into another web app? Can you share dashboards with an external viewer but not give them access to Amplitude?

  • How do you create cohorts based on user properties or sign up date?

Here are your February Office Hour questions answered! 


Good luck as you send more data! As a next step:


Comment below with any follow-up or feedback. We can’t wait to work with you! 

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