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How to compare two event properties in a chart's where clause

  • 1 December 2021
  • 2 replies


I am trying to create a segmentation chart where I filter out events in which two different event properties are equal; an equivalent SQL filter would be WHERE event_prop1 <> event_prop2. Is something like this possible?



2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hey @lance

Afaik, Amplitude currently doesn’t support direct comparison between different event properties on a given event. We can only use the comparison for the actual property values like event_prop1 = ‘stringABC”.

The closest thing possible which I have used to comparing two event properties in Amplitude in some context is the relative count feature in a cohort as follows. Not sure if this will help you in your case


Let me know if I have interpreted your use case correctly. Hope this helps.

Userlevel 1

Thanks @Saish Redkar, i’ll give this a try!
