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Getting ids of new daily signups

  • 7 December 2021
  • 3 replies

Hello, is it possible to download the IDs of new signups via the API?

What I am trying to obtain is essentially:

date1: id1_1, id1_2, id1_3, ...],

date2: :id2_1, id2_2, id2_3, ...]

I’ve created a dynamic cohort that tracks the new signups, the Population Over Time graph below is essentially what I need but the `Export CSV` button only downloads the latest date. The Cohort API also doesn’t allow you to specify a time window so I am not sure how to proceed.

The same results can be obtained by creating a Segmentation graph and plotting the Sign-up event but there I need to click on every date and download the users manually.

Is there a quick way of downloading what I need via the API?

3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

@gantonayde: I don’t think there is an easy way of getting exactly what you need. I have three different suggestions.

The easiest way to get what you need would be through the Snowflake connection, but that’s a paid extra feature.

Export API allows you to export all your data on a day-to-day basis, but it exports everything, so you’d need to write an automated process to get what you need. That’s some work, but once you have that set up, it would probably be the easiest way to process a lot of dates and keep doing it.

In the Amplitude web UI, you could create a daily event segmentation chart with your sign-up event and Group by User ID. This assumes that you have the User ID set up when the sign-up event is sent, which may not be the case. But if you do, export CSV will give you a daily breakdown. You’ll still need to process it in Excel or some other tool, though.


Thank you Mikko, so it will be the Export API as you suggested.

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Glad to see this was solved. Thanks @MikkoKarvonen for your tireless work :)

