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Clear app data in Android still merges the user

  • 13 December 2021
  • 3 replies

On Android, I decided to reset my app in a clean state by clearing all app data (through OS menu).

When I started the app again, Amplitude still logged events under the same user.

How is that possible and shouldn’t it be a totally new user from Amplitude perspective?


Edit: same behavior when reinstalling 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hey @florian-milky 

I’m not entirely sure what happens after clearing app data on a mobile device, but one of the reasons could be that the device_id is not getting wiped out. So Amplitude associates the events to the last known user if it sees the previous device_id as explained in here.

Let me know if I have interpreted your question correctly. Hope this helps.


Hey @Saish Redkar ,

Yes that’s what I meant.

I noticed the same behavior when uninstalling and installing the app though (in dev environment at least). Is that expected?

Userlevel 4
Badge +7

Hi @florian-milky! Yes, that is consistent because the device ID stays consistent (I’m assuming you’re using the same mobile device/laptop). Like what @Saish Redkar mentioned, Amplitude associates events using device_id when the user_id is not present. You can check out this article for more details on how we resolve users: 
