
What is the conversion from "Play Song or Video '' to "Purchase Song or Video '' , if the user follows a playlist (Follow Playlist) within 24 hours of first use?

  • 5 January 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi, I tried to do it this way, the problem I am not able to figure out this part,  “if the user follows a playlist (Follow Playlist) within 24 hours of first use”. Hoping that the chart above is the correct answer for the question (if not please help me on what to change). How to implement this 24 hours part?


Best answer by Saish Redkar 5 January 2024, 18:33

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Hi @NitishKumar 

I think you can translate your condition by segmenting your users to include that clause as seen here

Alternatively, you can have your counter user segment ( users who didn’t follow any playlist within 24 hours of 1st use ) and compare the conversion between the two segments -

Hope this helps.


Hi @NitishKumar 

I think you can translate your condition by segmenting your users to include that clause as seen here

Alternatively, you can have your counter user segment ( users who didn’t follow any playlist within 24 hours of 1st use ) and compare the conversion between the two segments -

Hope this helps.


Thank You very much. It did really answer my question.

Hi @NitishKumar 

I think you can translate your condition by segmenting your users to include that clause as seen here

Alternatively, you can have your counter user segment ( users who didn’t follow any playlist within 24 hours of 1st use ) and compare the conversion between the two segments -

Hope this helps.


One small doubt, what happens if I keep who did follow playlist <1 and anytime within one day of first use, is that still a correct answer in this
