Time between events chart

Related products: Product Analytics

I want to add a chart to my dashboard that will display time it takes for a user to convert from event A to event B. Time measurements can be average, median, min, max, maybe even quantiles.


Ideally, I want a chart that will display median time it takes our users to convert between events on a monthly basis. Like: December - 3 days, January 4 days, February 3 days 16 hours - all in a linear chart or something like that.

What you want here is “time to convert over time” . 
1. Make your funnel A>B
2. Choose “Time to convert”
3. Change distribution to “over time” 
4. Change daily time interval to monthly interval
5. Make sure to adjust your conversion window (Completed within 1 day is the default) and to add ‘holding constant session ID‘ if needed. (if not, leave it off)

Here’s an example from the demo: https://app.amplitude.com/analytics/demo/chart/new/agfvypma?source=copy+url

This counts the _first_ conversion between A>B, which would be good for something users do infrequently, or once. If you want to count the median time for each and every time a user does A>B, then you’ll want to also add Holding Constant Session ID to the funnel. 

Happy Analyzing! 

This does not seem to work consistently?

I have the same chart running and it is showing 25 seconds between some events on average. I spot checked a handful and the average of the spot check was <1 second (as I expected).