Identity Resolution for Off-platform Events

We’ve been looking for a CDP to centralize all of our consumer behavior and drive business decisions. A CDP is only as good as the data it can centralize about the customer. This requires it to be able to attribute events/behaviors both on platform and off platform and use identity resolution to build a single cohesive view of their experience with our product. Unfortunately, there is a very common use case that is missing from Amplitude. Consider this example:

A company decides to hold a webinar hoping it will create engagement that increases conversion. Leads signup to the webinar on a separate platform e.g. Zoom or RingCentral. After the webinar, the company wants to know how attending the webinar impacted conversion. They are able to export CSV of the list of attendees with their name, phone number, and email address. They take their CSV and upload it to S3 to utilize the native Amplitude S3 Integration.

Upon setting up the S3 as a source, there’s a problem. There is no device ID, or user ID in the CSV since these leads didn’t sign up on a platform where Amplitude could collect these. It would not have made sense at this point to automatically assign user IDs for every lead at this point, nor would it be feasible, as this may not be the only off-platform interaction they have had with our product. In order for customers to manage this they have to maintain every lead, from every off-platform event, store the event data, dedeuplicate them if they’ve attended multiple events, and then find a way to get the events into Amplitude.

We have two very clear deterministic identifiers in this example, phone and email. Amplitude discusses the use of deterministic identifiers in their blog post, but unfortunately the deterministic identifiers they support are impossible to use unless the events are being collected by Amplitude directly e.g. device ids or through the SDK. Being able to use phone and email as deterministic identifiers for identity resolution would allow customers to build their own intake of off-platform events, without the help of Amplitude all without requiring Amplitude to support more integrations e.g. they don’t need to support a Zoom, RingCentral, Typeform etc integrations to ingest more data! This is a high impact addition to the feature set that we’d greatly utilize!

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