We are excited to announce that Simo Ahava has created a new Server-Side Amplitude GTM Template. You can find this new GTM Template in the gallery.
Some of the advantages of using this server-side template include:
- You only have to make minimal changes to your existing website tagging. The Amplitude template running in your server-side Google Tag Manager container will handle mapping the incoming requests to the format that Amplitude expects
- You get to choose exactly what data Amplitude receives
- You can completely remove personal data, such as the user’s IP address before the hit is sent to Amplitude
- With server-side tagging, you can enrich the hits in the server, pulling data from your other systems before the whole package is sent to Amplitude
- By hosting the server-side tagging endpoint (which you 100% own) on your own subdomain, you can access first-party cookies and HTTP headers when building the Amplitude request
- You don’t need to know anything about server-side technologies or the cloud. With this template and with the familiar Google Tag Manager user interface, you can build a server-side setup quite painlessly
See how the Amplitude GTM Server-Side Template works on the blog.