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[Dashboard REST API]

  • 6 August 2023
  • 2 replies

I’m currently working on a client project that displays products on the front-end and dashboards on the backend.

I’m looking at using Amplitude as a possible solution to aggregate and display analytics, but I want to make sure I’m selecting the right tool for the job.

  • The platform provides dashboards to multiple e-commerce sellers
  • Each seller can have multiple products
  • Each dashboard will show:
    • Product Impressions
    • Product Clicks
    • Product Purchases

I want to make sure I’m using Amplitude in the right way.

  • I understand using Amplitude for app analytics - as though I’m tracking a user activity from within a single application
  • Is Amplitude suitable for essentially “reselling analytics” to users?

I’ve managed to successfully fetch analytics using the Dashboard REST API and filters like so:

"event_type": "product_impression",
"subprop_type": "event",
"subprop_key": "productId",
"subprop_op": "is",
"subprop_type": "event",
"subprop_key": "sellerId",
"subprop_op": "is",

While this is all possible and works as I expect (I think), I want to double check to make sure I’m not shoehorning a solution into a product I don’t totally understand.

Thank you for your time!

HI @Websmth 

Sharing/reselling analytics to end user/clients via Amplitude is quite a common use case that pops up every now and then.

Here are some earlier posts which hit this topic -


Overall there are 2 common ways to do so

  • the Dashboard REST API as you highlighted
  • usage of embedded links

The Dashboard REST API will give you the desired chart numbers in API response format and you will have to chart those out using any visualization library. It’s easy to fetch the results for simple event segmentation charts, but crafting the API calls for complex use cases can get tough sometimes. But using this route comes with some rate limits, which can cause scalability issues if your end solution has significant visitors trying to hit multiple chart endpoints simultaneously.

As far as chart embedding goes, you can create public links to Amplitude charts and try embedding them in your application if that works. But this may bring some potential security and access control issues.


Are you putting all the event data across multiple sellers in one Amplitude project?


Thank you Saish!

Right now I have it set up to collect all event data into one project.

It really more seems like a scaling issue at this point. I do suppose there are methods around this, potentially caching a snapshot of returned data within our DB and only refreshing after a stale time.

Thank you so much for the prompt reply!
