
User segments from comma separated list does not return correct output?

  • 16 November 2023
  • 2 replies

The event “Completed org creation” returns 32 event triggers in the Amplitude segmentation chart. I download those user_ids  (image 1) and create a comma separated list as stated here in order to create a segment to check those 32 user´s behaviour in other event.

However, when I create the segment using the comma separated list of user_ids dowloaded from Amplitude, the “Completed org creation” event suddenly returns 9 instead of 32 event triggers. I am expecting the same number of triggers. 

I have checked that both graphs show unique users as well as have the same date range. What could be the cause of error here? 


2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @Sammy 

The segment filter seems to be on the orgId field in screenshot #2 instead of user_id?

Thank you for your reply @Saish Redkar and sorry about the typo in the description of the problem. All data is orgId, both the ones I downloaded and the ones inserted into the segment. So difference in what we are comparing is not the error unfortunately.  
