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Hello, my name is Maxime and here’s my problem :

i am tracking user with a Net Payment > 100 but when i apply my property, i still have user with net payment < 100 .

i was wondering if the problem could be that we’re using “,” instead of “.” ? 

We’re french and i don’t know what could be the problem here. I hope someone can help me here

Thanks by advance =)

Hey @MaxMadou 
I’m assuming you are sending this value as a string, correct?
The comma also could be a potential issue.

Hello, thanks for answering,

i send the value as a number, not a string, that’s problematic?


you posted this twice, I suggest you close one of them :)


Thanks for helping @timothy-permutable

@MaxMadou please keep us posted as you make progress! 😀

Thanks @timothy-permutable :D
