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I'd like to rename the bars in my funnel analysis, but I cannot find the option to do so. Please let me know how I might be able to. I've attached a screenshot of the labels that run across the bottom of the chart.

Funnel Analysis Graph with Bad Labels


Hey @varun 

You can try clicking on the event name on the graph’s X axis to customize the text labels in the bars as shown below.

Hope this helps.

Hi @varun ,


@Saish Redkar is correct here that you should just be able to click on the labels in the Funnel Analysis steps and you should be able to edit it if it is your own chart or you are an owner. 


If you have any further trouble, let me know and I can help!


Kind Regards,

@Denis Holmes Sometimes I am able to edit the labels in the way described, but on other charts nothing happens when I click the label. I’m not sure what the logic is.

Seems to be that on a long funnel which requires horizontal scrolling the functionality to rename is disabled.

Hi @mradammorley Can you link me which charts you can and cannot edit the labels on? In the chart you can, which labels can you edit? 

For the one you can’t, which labels can you not edit? I can then investigate.

Kind Regards,

Hi @Denis Holmes ! I found this thread because I’m running into this same issue at the moment, I can’t edit the names of the columns / events in my funnel charts. 


Here is an example (let me know if you can’t access the chart):



