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Hello, I collect my data once a day and try to send them to the amplitude, but since they come at the same time, the event graph is not built correctly. I want to know if I can pass the event_time parameter as the trackData event parameter, in this case I expect the passed date parameter to be used as the date the event was received in amplitude.

Hey @AndrewK 

How are you sending this data to Amplitude ?

I’m assuming this is likely via the Batch Event Upload API as you have a daily cadence.

Your collected event data should have the timestamp reflecting when the user triggered those events on your app. You can map this event time to the time parameter of your request. If time isn't sent with the event, then it's set to the request upload time and all events will appear to have been triggered and ingested at the same time in your graph.

Let me know if I have interpreted your use case correctly. Hope this helps.

Hello @AndrewK hope you are well!

I would agree with @Saish Redkar that it’s important to understand the method of ingestion you are using to send the events to Amplitude. Is it through an API/SDK/Integration(Snowflake etc)? If so, which one specifically?
