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Hi Team,

I am working on user session chart. In Length distribution i need unique user count instead of session count showing in Y-axis. Is any possibility to customize the Y-axis title from sessions to unique user.


Hi @Mahima ,


Unfortunately, it would not be possible to change the metric used for the y-axis. However, I can add this as a feature request if you wish. Can you describe in more detail what it is you are trying to achieve? I can then help you. Thanks!


Kind Regards,


Hi Denis,

I need to track how many unique users spend time in one particular event more than 2 mins. For that I used length distribution there we can customize buckets 0-2 and above 2. The issue is only I can see the unique user count while inspecting but i need the metric visible on the chart instead of session count i need unique user data.

Hi @Mahima ,


Thanks for your response! I will add this as a feature request for the product team!

Kind Regards,
