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Chart metric not showing up

  • 3 November 2021
  • 4 replies

I've been seeing this for a few days, on the dashboard chart metrics (conversion rates) won't load:



Is there something I need to adjust to fix this?

FYI - when I click into the chart I can see the conversion rate all right, just not on the dashboard.

Hey @artcities 

You should be able to toggle the conversion rate view via KPI → Conversion Rate.


If not, then this could be a potential dashboard UI bug.


Let me know if I have understood your use case correctly. Hope this helps!



Hey @artcities 

You should be able to toggle the conversion rate view via KPI → Conversion Rate.


If not, then this could be a potential dashboard UI bug.


Let me know if I have understood your use case correctly. Hope this helps!



Yep tried that it still doesn't work.


Looks like a bug?


It's been there for more than a week now.

Hi @artcities

This is Yuanyuan from the Amplitude Support team - thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are in contact with the engineering team for investigation. I will let you know once I have update. Apologies for the inconvenience. 

Kind regards, 

Hi @artcities

Our Engineering team has resolved the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience and please let us know if you run into it again!

