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As mentioned in the title, user path of funnel analysis doesn't appear. Attached is the pics of issue


Hi @John Kim I’ve seen this behavior before when the funnel analysis order is set to exact order

Could you modify your funnel order selection to this or any order and let us know if that renders user paths?



Thank you

Same problem here, no matter what order is set. is this a bug?

@JennRu my funnel analysis order is set to this order, not exact order. As ​​​@Michal Grzelak said, the order set doesn’t matter. 

Hi @John Kim and @Michal Grzelak thank you both for confirming this issue is not related to the funnel order type. 

I was able to replicate this issue in a starter org, so I have logged a bug for our engineers to investigate further. 


In the meantime to support your analyses, you could leverage the following charts to gather more insights on which events users are performing between event A and B

  • Pathfinder chart 
    • In this chart, you can filter on paths that start with the first event in your funnel, and then filter by sessions that include the second event in your funnel. 
    • Then you can adjust the % buckets to view as granularly or as high level as you’d like for all the path variations users take within a session to reach event B.
  • Pathfinder users chart

@JennRu Hi, JennRu, this is John kim. Could you inform me of how this issue is proceeded?

Hi @John Kim the engineers have resolved the jira ticket as of May 26. I can confirm this is working in a few orgs that I have spot checked. 


Please let me know if you are able to complete your analysis now, thanks!
