Filter on more than one property in 'Drop filter'

Related products: Data Management

Hi! We accidentally sent the wrong events to Amplitude and decided to use ‘Drop filter’ to remove them. However, ‘Drop filter’ only supports filtering on one property and thus can not cover all of the unwanted events for us.
If ‘Drop filter’ can filter on multiple properties, that would be a big help to us.

Thanks for this feedback @jonathan.tran. Hopefully, you were able to work things out. The team will take a closer look. 😁

Hi, was there any update on allowing multiple where condition in Drop Filter?

@Alex Ma welcome to the community! And good question. It looks like you’re working through this with @sydney.koh already! I’ll just post the final answer back here to help more members that might have the same question.

Hi @Esther Trapadoux ,

Yes @sydney.koh was helping me with the ticket.  We are definitely interested in this feature enhancement to have more where condition in Drop Filters.

Thanks for following up!