Copy chart to clipboard or download for easy use in presentations

Related products: Product Analytics

I am currently pulling together a presentation to my team, using lots of charts and numbers from Amplitude. I am using the screenshot tool to carefully crop the edges of the chart and paste directly to PowerPoint. 

What if I could click a little “copy to clipboard” icon or at least a download image icon so that I could a) do this faster and b) have it look clean, without the risk of any UI elements getting into the image?

You could even have some subtle Amplitude branding on the image to promote your tool ;)

Hey @Seb Roberts-Brown 
Not sure if you have gotten a chance to use this, but Amplitude already has the functionality to export a given chart/dashboard as a PNG/PDF. 

You just have to click the export icon in the upper-right corner.

Hope this is helpful. 

Hi @Saish Redkar

Thanks for that! I’m not sure how I missed it :)



Even though I know about the export png feature, I find I often still use screenshots. It’s quicker than export/import when I want to add something simple to a slide or more often a slack channel. So in my eyes, the original “add to clipboard” button is still a good idea.