Problems with JavaScript tracking while tracking via pathon/flask

  • 17 August 2021
  • 1 reply


I have written a flask-app. I use amplitude-tracking for tha flask-app and JavaScript to track the html-pages in one project.

But: When I run the app on my nginx/uwsgi server it is only tracking events which are send via JS. The flask-app send events are not delivered to amplitude.

I found out, if I use flush in my flask-app the flask-app created events will appear in Amplitude. But now, the JS created events are not delivered to Amplitude.

I want to track both, the JS created and the flask-app created events, in one project.

What is my fault?


1 reply

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Hi @simonfrenzel Thanks for reaching out here. 😃 Somehow your questions were missed. Were you able to make progress? If you still need support our platform specialist @ning.chang can take a closer look. 
